Essay Topics for Creative Problem-Solving

75 Cause And Effect Essay Topics

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of academic writing that can be used to serve a purpose. It can explain why something has happened, assess what caused it, analyze the consequences of a situation and determine the origins of the phenomenon. A cause and effect essay is a way for students to think about how different objects impact each other. Many students believe that choosing a topic is easy, especially if they have to choose it themselves. This is often not true in all cases. Professional writing services provide great essay topics across a range of disciplines.

How can you select the most effective cause and effect essay topic?

Any topic you find interesting is yours. However, how accessible is the information to support and validate your arguments? You need to have a clear understanding of the topic and a lot of sources. It is important to clearly define the parameters of cause and effects essay writing if you are going to be able to identify topics. Note the important concepts you want to include and how they relate to society. You should also ensure that your ideas are sensible. You can grab the reader’s attention by sharing the most important facts about the topic that you are researching. Find something that inspires you. Remember, writing takes practice. Get expert help to create cause and effect essays.

Topics for Cause and Effect Essays

Any topic you are interested in can be considered. Check out the following lists for more ideas.

Topics in Environment Science
Global warming: Causes and consequences
– Sea temperature rise causes and effects on fish
– Causes & effects of Antarctica Floods.
– Famine and its effects on the human population.
– Human occupancy and the effects of population density
– Water vapor causes the greenhouse effect.
– Environmental pollution and its effects on sustainable development
– Global warming and the effects of deforestation
– Environmental degradation and threats to human habitation.
– Environmental effects of pollution.

Topics about Self-Development
– Games and Intelligence: The Effects on Human Intelligence
Road Traffic: The Causes & Effects
– Stress and its effects on happiness in marriage
– Book reading and communication skills:
– Effects Communication has on People’s Relationships
– The Effects of Education: Helping Students Make Better Decisions
– Social media’s effects on teenagers
– Social confidence and its effects on improving quality of life
Cohabitation is a way to have better marital relations than marriage.
– The effects of better communication on family relationships and confidence

Psychology Topics
– Students are the cause of poor school performance.
– Financial stability for couples: Effects of spouses’ employment
– Parental guidance and the effects it has on children’s behavior
– Miscommunication between parents and children: Misunderstanding.
– The effects of divorce on children’s lives
– Family responsibilities added by marriage.
– What causes and what effects toxic relationships?
– Stressful life: What causes it?
– Unfaithfulness can lead to relationship breakups.
– The impact of silent treatment upon friendships
– The impact of single decisions in marriages
– Young families: The causes and consequences of costly housing
– Effects and causes of peer pressure upon teenagers’ development
– The effects and causes of alcohol addiction in families.
– The causes of domestic abuse and the negative effects it has on a child’s growth.

Topics in Social Sciences
– Effects feminist efforts have on women’s relationships commitment
– Increased awareness and decreased snack consumption are some of the effects of healthier living.
– The Effects of Equality Advocacy: Women Elevation Fears by Men
– The fast food industry and its effects on obesity
– Sibling rivalry: Effects of parental quarrels upon children
– How to prevent bacterial infections.
– Long-distance relationships and suspicion: effects on partners
– What causes and what effects school dropouts have to do with inappropriate upbringing
– How ignorance can cause discrimination
Side effects of vaccinations

Health Topics
Low immunity can be caused by a variety of factors.
– Health effects of eating unhealthy foods.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of heart attacks.
– Fast food advertising: The impact on consumers.
– Stress in marriage: What causes it and how to deal with it.
Smoking: The effects
– Air pollution and asthma: The impact on allergy reactions.
– How anorexia affects the development of a person.
– Insufficient nutrition can cause poor digestion.
Young girls are affected by idealistic beauty ads
– Emotional distress can be caused by severe weight loss.

Topics related to Sports
Regular exercise has a positive effect on your health.
– How regular exercise affects immunity.
– Sports and children’s development of social skills.
– Effects team sports can have on improving communication and leadership skills.
Exercise regularly can improve brainpower, memory, as well as productivity.
Exercises and their effects on well-being
– Stimulants and their effects on performance.
– The effects of football’s commercialization
Exercise has a positive effect on your body.

Cultural Topics
– Television shows have an impact on the behavior of their audience.
– The effects of learning a native language on an individual’s appreciation for other cultures.
– The effects of the assimilation strategy on Francophone African countries.
– Colonialization and cultural influence on Africa.
– The effects of university attendance: Influence on character and skill.

You might also like to read Cause and Effect essays.
– Critical thinking and the effects of reading novels
– Teens are more likely to be violently influenced by movies.
– Unhappiness is caused by excessive social media use
– Students’ sleep habits and the effects on their health
Stress: Causes and consequences

You can order professional writing online if you need more cause-and-effect topics. Online ordering is possible for any topic and all formatting requirements.

Questions for Students about Cause & Effect

What is the cause of low immunity in children?
How has divorced marital relationships affected the children of divorcing couples?
– What causes soil loss?
What is the cause of malaria?
– What’s the impact of poverty on Africa?
– How did Europe’s Agrarian Revolution impact Europe?
What causes prostitution?
– What are some of the most common causes of road crashes?
How does alcoholism impact youth?
How can financial constraints impact marriages?

10 Cause and effect essay topics for college students

How does low self-esteem affect individuals? What does this mean for children growing up?
– Effects on education and causes of reduced attention span
– Why does skin color cause demoralization?
– How does the new wave of Feminism affect relationships?
– What causes and what effects do early education have on gender roles?
– Does sex education in schools correlate with the rate of pregnancy?
Is it fair for parents to deny their children vaccinations?
How has America’s lifestyle impacted the country’s health?
– What causes weight gain?
– Ocean oil spillages and their effects. How can they be recovered?

Social media: Cause and Effect Essay Topics

History of Instagram’s development. The causes and effects of Instagram’s popularity.
– Establishing relationships between government and business to create social capital for entrepreneurs.
– Analysis of public opinion and the impact of media.
– The problem of effective market mechanism formation: Causes and consequences
Twitter’s History
– Causes & effects of the influencers’ influence on social media management
– Social media stimulation of private investment and innovation. This mechanism has negative consequences.
What effects can social media have on the child’s psychological development?
Why is social media so important for teenagers?
History of Tik Tok’s creation. What was the impact of this new social network?

Inspirational Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Academic Writing

It can be difficult to develop your ideas, especially if there is no interest in your chosen field. These ideas will help you write a winning essay.

Stress: Causes and effects: It isn’t easy living a normal life. Discuss possible causes of stress and consequences like despair, weight loss, and so on.
– Water Pollution: Find out the causes and impacts of water pollution.
– School dropouts and their causes: We will discuss the reasons students leave school, and what it means for their future.
The causes and consequences of teenage drug abuse: This topic is hot. Discuss the role of bad company in drug abuse. Poor parenting and curiosity are two of the main causes.
– School Violence: Causes and Solutions
This topic is very interesting and there are many resources available.

Get help from online essay writers who can help you with custom essays tailored to your needs. Our writers can help you with your questions and ideas. Use our essay writing services today!


  • maysonbeck

    Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.


Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.