Essay Topics for Creative Problem-Solving

50 Cause And Effect Journal Prompts

We ask “Why?” when we ask a question. We often begin to investigate the causes of a topic when we ask “Why?” We ask the question “So what?” When we ask “So What?” we think about the consequences. The process of creating cause-and effect connections between events and actions is called cause-and effects writing. This allows for a better understanding.

Depending on what subject we are writing about, and the purpose of our work, it will determine whether or not to place emphasis on causes (the causes) or effects (the results). In reality, though, the relationship between cause and effect can often be so close that it is impossible to consider one without the other.
You’ll notice some topics focus more on causes than others. But keep in mind, they are both related and can sometimes be confusing.

50 Writing prompts: Causes & Effects

– The influence of a teacher, parent, or friend on you life
– Why did you choose your major?
– Exam cramming: The consequences
– Peer pressure and its effects
– Why students cheat
– Children’s effects on a divorced marriage
– The effects that poverty has on an individual
– Why one college program is better than the other
– Why so few people bother voting in local elections
Online classes are becoming more popular among students.
– The consequences of racial or sexual discrimination
Exercise is important!
– Why pet owners keep their pets
Computers and our daily lives
Smartphones’ downside
– The environmental impacts of bottled drinking water
Reality shows: Why are they so popular
– How pressures affect students’ ability to get high grades
– The influence of a coach/teammate on your life
– The consequences for not having a personal Budget
– What causes noise pollution?
– The effects noise pollution on water and air.
Why aren’t more students reading newspapers?
– Why Americans prefer foreign built cars
Animated movies are a popular choice for adults
– Why baseball is not the national pastime
– Stress and its effects on high school students
– The impact of moving to another city or town
DVD sales are falling
– Why are more people shopping online?
– The impact of rising college costs
– Why do students leave college or high school?
– Why mathematics and other subjects are so hard in college
– Why not all roommates get along
– Why Halloween is more fun for adults than it is for children
– Why do people eat junk foods?
– Why do so many children leave their homes?
– Long-term effects of unemployment
– How a book or movie can have an impact on your daily life
– The music industry’s impact on music ing
Why is texting so popular?
– The impact of working while in college or school
Low morale in fast-food restaurants:
– The Effects of Not Getting Enough Sleep
Increasing numbers are being overweight in children
Why are TV and movie about Zombies so Popular?
– Why Bicycles are the Best Form of Transportation
– Video games’ effects on children young and old
– Homelessness and its causes in your community
– Young people’s eating disorders


  • maysonbeck

    Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.


Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.