Essay Topics for Creative Problem-Solving

100 Academic Persuasive Research Topics

What is the purpose of Academic Persuasive Writing?

It is your job to claim and support that claim using logic, facts, evidence, and research. You might argue that mandatory state testing is bad, but you’ll use statistics, expert opinions, and other evidence to back it up.

Concerns relating to fairness in society
Americans need to pay more attention how their shoes and clothes are made to prevent child labor abuses.
If everyone does more for their community, poverty can be eliminated.
Students in college should be active on social justice issues such as human trafficking.
– Racism remains a significant part of American experience despite the existence of laws or social action.
– Animal experimentation is illegal for any reason.
Boycotting companies is a powerful way to effect change.

Writing about Parents & Children
Internet use should not be allowed to be used by children under the supervision of an adult.
Interracial marriages have a higher level of fulfillment and commitment.
Adoption is something every couple should consider.
Children who are alcoholics are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs than their parents.
Domestic violence is increasing.
Parents of gangsters should be held responsible if their children inflict violence or property damage.
Hunting is an excellent way for families and friends to get out in nature, bond, and have fun together.
Children of divorcing parents should be able to divorce their parents.
Children under 10 years old are more likely to be involved in non-competitive athletic groups.
– Children and teens are more likely to sustain injuries in organized sports than ever before. This will create a huge health crisis.
– As America’s divorce rate rises, child abuse is becoming more common.
– It is important to ban in-vitro and other reproductive technologies.
– A person’s legacy is formed by the divorce proceedings of their parents.
– The feminist movement was a great way to open up new opportunities and jobs for women. However, it also hurt children and families because it undervalued motherhood.
Women with Down’s Syndrome should encourage their children to be adopted rather than being aborted if they find out.
– Supporting birth control in sex education is a bad idea.

Mass communication
– The media violence is responsible for the rise in violence among youth.
– Today’s movies are much better than those of our parents.
Teens shouldn’t be allowed on social networking sites.
– Advertising regulation or censorship is not practical, American, and incompatible with free enterprise and capitalism.
Parents should limit children’s media exposure.
– Violence in the media can be used to create aggression but not violence in real-life.
Americans should support freedom speech, not only in America but around the world.

World Problems
Americans are losing job opportunities because of India outsourcing
Japanese car manufacturers are not producing the best cars in the entire world.
Cybercrime is growing and governments must do more to stop it.
– As global warming impacts food production, population growth will be a key issue.
– Bioterrorism continues to be a critical issue for everyone who is concerned about National Security and global Security.
America should continue its support for Israel, regardless of the consequences.
Americans shouldn’t get involved in conflicts around the world that are not of their national interest.
European countries are making 3rd world people starve and malnourished by opposing GMO crops.
Global Warming Is Real and We Need to Prepare.
– Video games can help people solve real-world problems.
Identity theft is more serious than you realize.

Online education can be as beneficial as in-person learning.
– Homeschooling may not be as effective as public schools.
– College athletics, especially football players should be paid according to their economic value.
American High Schools give sports too much priority, which can lead to poor education for children.
– Standardized testing has helped to improve the educational achievements of American graduates.
– Parents and educators should support bilingual education.
75% Americans believe in Creationism, and this should be taught to students in science classes.
Students in college should be aware of the dangers of accumulating consumer debt.
American colleges need to increase international students in order to pay for their tuition.
Mandarin must be taught in schools as China becomes a more important country.
– The European education system is better than the American one.

Topics on Food and Diet
Everyone should support the Local Food movement because local food is more energy-efficient and helps the local economy.
Vegetarianism is often misunderstood and ridiculed by college students. However, it can be a healthy way to live a sustainable lifestyle and keep your body and mind in good health.
America’s epidemic of childhood obesity is being caused by parents, schools and media.
To ensure food safety, we need to increase the budget for food administration.
In case of economic collapse, families should have enough food to last for six months.
Schools should be more knowledgeable about nutrition and healthy eating habits.
– What’s the ideal diet for good health?
– Organic food has a better quality and is worth more than non-organic.
Vitamin D deficiency is a major national problem
– Everybody should take at least one multivitamin per day.
You can lose weight only by eating less and getting more exercise.
– The Mediterranean diet is the best way to lose weight.
The average cook is now more creative when it comes to the kitchen thanks to food competitions.
Students in college should learn how to prepare healthy meals.
You don’t have to be a chef to enjoy a healthy diet.

The study of government and the way it operates
American politics is too divisive.
– The American president has the highest ranking position in the world.
– Domestic terrorist are more dangerous than terrorists from other countries.
Juvenile offenders accused in serious crimes should face trial as adults.
– People have not been able to return to work since welfare reform. All illegal immigrants should have work permits to remain legally in the United States.
– People overcome poverty by helping their church, rather than through government agencies.
– The national laws must be enforced to prohibit driving while texting or calling on cell phones.
To save America from economic disaster, the Federal Budget Deficit must be reduced.
– Offshore drilling should be stopped until oil companies prove that drilling catastrophes will not happen again.
– Prisons shouldn’t be used as a place for punishment but to help people become productive members of society.
– Gun control plays an important role in controlling violence within our society.
– Both environmentalism and land use for farming or logging can go hand-in-hand
Legalizing Marijana would reduce drug use, increase tax revenue, and help prevent crime.
Donald Trump’s candidacy is a game changer in American politics.
To vote, voters must show a photo ID

Health and Genetics
– Mental disorders often get wrongly diagnosed.
Students can take control of their drinking habits by making it acceptable to their peers.
Moderation is key to avoiding Alzheimer’s.
Many children in poor countries die of diseases that can be prevented with affordable vaccines, which are widely available in wealther nations.
Instead of allowing malpractice cases against doctors to mount, it is better for medical ethics boards to be established that would review all complaints from patients.
– All people should be tested to determine if they have any genetic disorders. However, insurance companies should not share this information with them in order to avoid discrimination.
– Genetic engineering is good for humans.
Hospice care is a valuable resource for terminally ill patients. Hospice care for terminally ill loved-ones is a service that could be used by more families if they had more information.
Teenage girls are now more worried about their bodies because of all the media coverage on obesity.
– Organ transplantation is a way to make the best of tragedy.
We must not let our guard down when it comes time to prepare for global pandemics.

Many college students have enjoyed my persuasive writing classes as an English professor. College students can be passionate about their beliefs, but sometimes it is difficult to find topics for writing about. This is a great topic for persuasive essays.

– We don’t know the answer.
– Two or more sides.
– Interacts with other people to express your opinions.
You care deeply about the topic of your essay.
Research a topic for an essay.

Research is essential for persuasive academic essays.
It doesn’t matter if you know the topic well before you start your essay. Even if you are familiar with the topic, it is possible to not know enough to start writing your argumentative essays.

To help them find a topic that interests them, I ask them to write down a list. It helps my students to think more broadly by looking at argumentative topics such as the one shown below.


  • maysonbeck

    Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.


Mayson Beck is 34 years old, a Professor of Education and a blogger. She enjoys writing about education policy and teacher education, and has written for various education journals.